How to find metal handbag accessories from China,

Handbag makers, are you still worried that how to find the nice handbag hardware suppliers from China, do you want to find trustworthy honest metal handbag accessories factories in China. Ok, now let me tell you how find the top quality supplier.
 D ring, D buckle, Dee Ring

In China, most the handbag accessories factories are located in Guangdong and Fujian province, especial in Guangzhou city, Dongguan City, Foshan City and Shenzhen City of Guangdong province. So when you search through google, you can add the city as the search keywords.
In Guangzhou, there is a very large metal handbag accessories market. Dongguan City and Shenzhen city also have one metal handbag accessories market. In these market, you can buy any handbag accessories you need. You can find top quality, high-grade handbag accessories, you can also buy very very cheap product. If you want customized design hardware or with your logo on the products. Most suppliers can do it.
 Handbag Lock, Decorative Lipstick Lock

But there is one problem. The main market of them is China, most of them do not have overseas market department, they also do not have website. Some of them have their own website in Chinese, a few has the website in English. The main reason is that their are many handbag factories near to the handbag accessories market. It also means that the metal bag hardware market near to their customers. So most of them provide the goods and service for the customer from China.
Our factory is located in Dongguan, we are very near to the handbag accessories market in Dongguan. We provide goods for vendors in all the handbag accessories in Guangdong Province. But most of customers from handbag make factories from all over the word. We can provide all kinds of high quality strap anchor, strap connector, tuck lock, turn twist lock, snap hook, magnetic button, D ring, o ring, sliding buckles and other handbag accessories with any colors. Most of customers are from the USA, Japan and Europe.
 Long Strap Anchor, Long Strap Connector

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